Discuss where the good idea come from. How to generate more good ideas? by TAN QIAOQIAN (TP070860)

When Someone Has Your Amazing Idea ...

Most good ideas don't come from inside someone's head. Instead, they are generated by social interaction. (Marsden, 2019) Engage in social activities outside your usual circle of friends. It is easy to get into a rut of thinking when you spend time with the same friends and colleagues all the time. There will be a need to revisit your internal monologues since new people will not know all your thoughts and stories. It is possible to get a lightning bolt or two when you adopt a fresh perspective. (Kevin Daum, 2013)

Additionally, it is a good idea to try something new. Our curiosity is innate. Adapting to an unfamiliar environment is crucial to our survival. That needs to be resisted. Take note of what you see and ask questions. Be open to hearing from others with different perspectives. Try out your ideas and test them.(Ebersole, 2022)


Ebersole, L. (2022, April 19). How to generate ideas. Elmhurst University. https://www.elmhurst.edu/blog/how-to-generate-ideas/

Marsden, P. (2019, November 19). Speed summary: Where good Ideas Come from - The natural history of innovation - Brand genetics. Brand Genetics. https://brandgenetics.com/human-thinking/speed-summary-where-good-ideas-come-from-the-natural-history-of-innovation/#:~:text=Good%20ideas%20do%20not%20%E2%80%93%20for,moment%20alone%20in%20the%20lab.

Kevin Daum (2013, August 19).7 Ways to Generate Great Ideas. You don't have to be a deep thinker to come up with new ideas. Here are 7 ways to break your conventional thinking and make that light bulb appear. https://www.inc.com/kevin-daum/7-ways-to-generate-great-ideas.html


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