AI in Education Sector (Student) by Michelle Wong (TP077765)


The problem that I plan to solve with AI is the difficulty students face in accessing relevant information or clarifying concepts outside the classroom. At the same time, problems struggling with writing essays that require attention to grammatical errors and limitation of vocabulary usage should also be addressed. It is time consuming and tiring for students to search for information at the library or browse the internet as it requires filtering and understanding the content.

Hence, integrating AI-powered chatbots can be helpful to assist students in gaining a better understanding and obtaining information for their research. Chatbot can saves time with instant replies, giving appropriate answers for any question or query given. This can be achieved as the chatbot utilize through database of information, deep learning, machine learning and NLP to recognize patterns in conversation (Capacity, 2024). Moreover, students’ essays can be enhanced with chatbot by identifying any grammar mistakes and recommending better choices of words. From there, students can learn from their mistakes, improving their writing skills and show better performance in their written work. In addition, AI could also help filter and provide summaries for any articles given, highlighting the main context of the article when students are doing their research, thereby saving their time in reading.

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